
Pages in a Journal

Interestingly, shortening the name of my website ‘Pages in a Journal’ to the first letter of each word forms PIAJ, which when I looked it up, to my surprise, is an Asian Noodle Soup of tasty, spicy and fresh foods; good nourishment, warm and hearty for the soul.

‘He brings out of His storehouse the things old and new’ Matthew 13:52

‘Pages in a Journal’ is about bringing out both the older things from my storehouse of writings and artworks that I have had hidden away, as well as the newer discoveries and art ideas.

I hope to include more snippets from my journals. 


My Journey

Pursuing and Exploring Art is the Journey I am on

I have mostly been a studio artist, whether it’s at home or at an Arts Centre. More recently I have a desire to get out and about doing ‘plein air’ painting. This will be a challenge I am sure, and a learning curve in capturing the essence of my surrounds.

I also love being in a relationship with the Living God through Christ. It opens the way for a wonderful journey of discovery of knowing Him more. As I meditate on the things revealed, I am left pondering the many ways to create art pieces. 

I am sure there is a meditative art book in me somewhere brewing away.

I love fresh adventures and discoveries, making new friends and re-visiting old ones. I believe God is leading us into new ways of creative connection and expression with Him and with each other, that is not the old religious ways and patterns.

My delight is to fan into flame and encourage what God has deposited within each person and community.



I thank God for ministries and missions. My husband and I and two daughters were full time missionaries in the Pacific Islands for nine years followed by another 10 years or so of part time comings and goings, including trips to India and parts of Asia. It is a joy and privilege to be part of peoples lives in different nations. We honour the different cultures and the way God works with and through each people group. I also enjoy many of their unique creative expressions in music, song, decoration, design and art. My hope is that the nations will continue to open up to the love, treasures and creative expressions found in Christ, to draw closer to Him in Word and Spirit, and release God inspired art/s pieces for His glory.

‘in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge’ Colossians 2:3


What journey are you on?

What is your creativity and art/s about?

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