G a y l e   G r i m s e y  


      My sources of inspiration are:

  • the Biblical Scriptures & my relationship with God
  • the vastness and beauty of nature and the environment around us
  • and the variety found in different people, places and nations.

My challenge in ‘devotional art’ is to capture and portray what I am seeing or hearing in my spirit and being true and honest to the inspiration or the revelation I am getting. It means not giving into expectations but rather receiving and responding and finding ways to interpret and express my thoughts in a contemporary way.

It can be simple or complex: a falling leaf, the colours in the sky, the bending or bowing of trees in the wind, the stance of a person or the look in their eye. It can be the vastness of rolling hills or the ripple at the water’s edge. In all these things, the written Scriptures have a way of coming to life. 

I hope my art with God to be a collection of my growing journey of discovery and intrigue in the wonders of a relationship with God.

“Ask and you shall receive,

seek and you shall find,

knock and the door shall be opened to you” 

(Matthew 7:7)


Some Sketches, Paintings, Textiles, Thoughts & Scriptures

"Look & See" Watercolour

“Look and See”

As she dances, she appears to be looking… we often walk on or over things that we aren’t even aware of or don’t understand… or we don’t stop long enough to think about or digest what we are seeing, so we miss them or they just pass us by. Having preconceived ideas about a matter before looking into it properly, doesn’t help either.


“Treasures Hid in the Sand” is a good example of not recognising what we are walking on. Above is an image of magnified grains of sand. 

These jewel like beauties are waiting to behold. 

I was inspired to paint them.

"Treasures Hid in the Sand" Watercolour and Pen

“Treasures hid in the Sand” 

“They will feast on the abundance of the seas, and of the treasures hidden in the sand” Deuteronomy 33:19.

“In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” Colossians 2:3

"The Veil is Lifted" Watercolour


‘Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away'(2 Corinthians 3:14-16)


Keep Scrolling . . .

"Thoughtful" Acrylic on Paper


Being mindful of what you are thinking about or setting your mind on…

What do you think about all day?

"Resting" Pencil & Watercolour


What do you think about all day… Resting is easier said then done, but for me it’s finding that quiet still place in God. ‘Be still and know that I am God’ Psalm 46:10. Resting in God brings a profound peace and refreshing, it’s a sweet spot that surpasses all understanding, and something that we all need. ‘How lovely is Your dwelling place O Lord God Almighty’ Psalm 84:1 

"Remain in Me Revelations" Watercolour

“Remain in Me “

John 15:7 ‘If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.’

Take a closer look, like looking through a magnifying glass, and get wisdom and understanding. Get revelation from the tree of life who is Christ. Once you have it, remain in it.

"Window of Time" Gouache, Fabric and Paper Collage

“Window of Time” by Gayle Grimsey

This piece reflects the idea of capturing a moment that is deep and personal. The portrait is painted in gouache, with fabric and paper collage. The main feature of this art piece for me is the woman’s eyes. She is seeing something in her “Window of Time” that resonates in her soul and spirit, and she is looking right at it. She appears focused to pursue it. Perhaps she is inviting you to take a deeper look at those special moments of revelation that often allude or pass you by.


"Waterpots" Watercolour


This is based on John 4, where the Samaritan women has a life changing encounter with Jesus at the well.


"The Widows Jars"

“The Widow’s Jars” 

This was a supernatural occurrence as the widow followed the instructions given her by God – to go and get empty containers or jars and start pouring the small amount of oil that she had into them.
Although she objected at first saying ‘I have nothing in the house but a jar of oil’, she followed through and was blessed.

(2 Kings 4:1-7)

If we want to hold onto things for ourselves – that ‘just in case’ type of thinking, then how can there be any opportunity or miracle for God to give the increase, as He uses what we have surrendered to Him in faith. He refills, He replenishes… He gives the increase.


"The Shy Dancer" Acrylic
“The Shy Dancer”

She is beautiful, she dances with grace. Yet she sits in the shadows uncertain… timid… afraid… reluctant.

What if… I might not… they might think…

Isaiah 41:10 ‘Fear not for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthened you, yes I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand’

"Becoming More... or Less" Silk Painting

“Becoming More or Less”

‘The title depicts the state of the flowers. If you view the painting from left to right, then the flowers are becoming less, and disappearing. If you view it from right to left, as do many cultures, then they are becoming fuller. 


I feel both aspects are occurring simultaneous. A flow from one side to the other. 

John 3:30 ‘He (Christ) must increase, & I must decrease’.

When there is more of Him and less of me, then life becomes both fuller & more transparent. 

When you look, what do you see?

What is your perspective?


"Letting Go" Silk Painting

“Letting Go” 

At the time of painting this silk I was stressing and striving to paint that ‘elusive’ masterpiece. It wasn’t working. Then I went for a walk, got a revelation to just ‘let go’, and came back and painted this piece in 15 mins with my fingers.

I like how the top flower, with a subtle visible stem, depicts a sense of freedom as it is being released. 


Silk Art Scarf Print
"Oysters & Pearls" Silk Painting Scarf, GIFTED

“Oysters & Pearls”

Do you have irritants in your life?

Let the lesson of the oyster’s pearl be an encouragement. 


"Lights & Lanterns" Silk, GIFTED

“Lights & Lanterns”

‘Hand dyed silk banner gifted on a return visit to Malaysia, to see a lady who taught me batik painting.  I had already dyed this silk in Australia, and un-be-known to me, I arrived in Malaysia at the time of their festival of lanterns.

This piece looks like lights and lanterns hanging in rows and swinging in the breeze, and it reminded me that… 

‘Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights…’ James 1:17

Acrylic Painting with a Christian Perspective
"Parched Places" Acrylic

“Parched Places “

This painting was inspired from a photo I took on a friend ‘s property in a time of near drought. If you look at nature you can see how trees spread their roots out in search of sustenance and nourishment. We know that trees that have water have life. Those that do not are parched, dying, or dead. 


John 4:14 ‘…whoever drinks of the Living Water that I give him, will never thirst.. ‘

Oil Painting Christian Perspective
"A Fruitful Branch" Oil
“A Fruitful Branch “
“Joseph is a fruitful bough (branch). A fruitful bough by a well; His branches run over the wall.” Genesis 49:22
Praise is our bough (bow), our weapon of warfare. As we remain in and drink from the water of life of the Holy Spirit, it refreshes our hearts to praise God and cause us to rise up and go over the obstacles.

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